
The club runs regular fundraising events to raise much needed funds for the club to keep membership fees down and purchase any necessary equipment. We need your help so read on to find out how you can do your bit!
Thumbs up for the Big Lottery Fund and thank you to Awards for All for our recent grant allowing us to purchase the new Diving Blocks for the pool.
Print cartridge recycling scheme.
Such an easy way for us to raise much needed funds for the club. Please hand in any used print cartridges to Anna.
Christmas bag pack at Sainsbury’s
Following our hugely successful bag pack at Sainsbury’s on Christmas Eve we have our slot booked on the same day for 2015, so keep your antlers at the ready and get your name down when the rota goes up on the club noticeboard.

Easyfundraising Scheme is a great way to raise money for the Club just by shopping online with your favourite retailers such as Next, Amazon and Tesco. You don’t pay anything extra and a percentage of every purchase will go to the club. 
Use the link above for info about the Scheme and to register. When you open it up, click on the “Support a good cause” link at the bottom of the screen and input “Duns ASC” then complete your own details you will then be supporting the Club! 

Training Times

18:30 – 20:30 18:30 – 20:3018:30 – 20:3018:30 – 20:30 08:00 – 10:00*

* Please note the pool is open to the public during part of these sessions